Is it relapsing?

I was doing so well, and my brain was improving. As my PTSD has got better though everything else seem to get worst, I a struggling to socialise even with the people I live with. But I am not acting on anything, no self-harm even; if I have had to lock anything dangerous in my car and wear gloves to bed, clearly I am still alive, I haven’t tried anything. But if December was a 7/10 okay the last week/two weeks has been a 3/10. I just don’t know why. My personality is 70% extrovert and 30% introvert but I am spending 90% free time (outside of work and college) hidden in my house generally my room; I even spent my half an hour lunch breaks eating in my car alone despite having a really nice class of people who I like to spend time with. I don’t know what to do. And I have no motivation to keep writing.

Love Ella xxx

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